Family Support Information
Blackpool Numbers:
Family Information Service 0800 092 2332
Familyline 0808 800 5678
NHS Walk-in Centre, Whitegate Dr 01253 953953
Emergency Dentist Centre 01253 955200
Health Buddies 01253 304066
Children’s Centres:
Baines 01253 699085
Claremont 01253 621703
Grange Park 01253 476480
Kincraig 01253 354059
Mereside 01253 839739
Revoe 01253 798016
St Cuthbert’s and Palatine 01253 313201
Talbot and Brunswick 01253 951190
Thames 01253 361981
The Together Centre 01253 835268
School Nurse 01253 951740/951982/951719 aid
Headstart PSHE Parent/Carer Information Site
Mental Health:
CAMHS 01253 921700
Supporting Minds 01253 955588
Samaritans 01253 622218
Papyrus 0800 068 4141
Linden Centre 01253 595552
CRUSE 0844 477 9400
Young Offenders:
YOT team 01253 478686
Sexual Health:
Connect 01253 751047
Wish Team 01253 476010
Unhealthy Relationships/CSE:
Awaken 01253 607063
Street Safe 01772 256900
Drug and alcohol services:
The Hub 01253 476010
NSPCC FEDUP programme 01253 307810
Horizon 01253 752100/311431
Connexions 01253 754840
Domestic Violence:
The Den 0300 3232 100
Safenet 07866 510728
Fylde Coast Woman’s Aid 01253
Advice and Information:
Buzz bus 01253 476010
Advice and Information:
Mobile guardian
Anti-bullying Alliance
Young Carers:
Blackpool Young Carers 01253 393748
Homestart 01253 728615
Families in Need Team 01253 607319
NSPCC website is full of useful tips and ideas
Victim Support:
08 08 16 89 111
Eating Disorders:
b.e.a.t. 0345 634 1414
Furniture and House Clearance:
Helping Hand 01253 601170
Kensington Foundation 01253 761444
Fylde Refurb 01253 873371
Disability Care and Support:
Safe Hands 01253 922922/407903
PIP 01253 899883
Aiming High 01253 206448
Youth Work:
URpotential 01253 344398
Grants for Disadvantaged Children:
Swallowdale Trust 07919 154952
Daisychain Project 01253 761444
Food Banks:
Blackpool Food Partnership