Our Values and Ethos

Our Mission:

 ‘Learning together to create opportunities and experiences that enable our pupils to achieve their full potential’


Our values: 

Our children and staff are ‘Proud to be Purple’ in our ‘Stanley family’ as we focus on/being:



Aiming high


Team players



We aim to foster these values through being ‘SMARTER’ within our ‘Stanley family’. These values are developed in Stanley Primary School through the broad and balanced curriculum we offer. Through each subject we aim for our pupils to be engaged, inspired, and challenged, with a clear focus on enquiry-based learning whilst acquiring new language to build knowledge, skills and concepts.

“The warm, positive relationships that teachers form with their pupils, and the pupils with each other, underpin the good learning that takes place in this school.”

 “The behaviour of pupils is outstanding.”

 “Children’s health, safety and well-being are a high priority.”  

Ofsted 2018

For parents, the aim of our school is to lay the foundations of partnership working. We want to help parents take an active share in the life of the school and in their child’s education. We aim to provide a welcoming atmosphere in which parents may discuss the progress of their children.

The Governing Body of Stanley Primary aims to provide constructive advice and support to the Headteacher, staff and pupils in pursuit of their aims and to provide a forum for fair debate. The Governors will also aim to enable each child to receive the best education available to them and contribute to the life of the school.